Are all womyn lesbians? Do they have to be to be wimmin? Do I like tofu?
I get so mad when I am told how to spell things. But I understand the fighter spirit behind things like womym wimmin hymen beings woah-men womb-en wimen wimmyn. The need to separate experience and create identity distinct from the "other" which is in this case men. Are we separate can we claim an existence that is distinct. Is not the rejection of the other an acknowldgement of its power? Yes post feminists, I have to say the debate is lengthy and often conducted in French. thank god I grew up in canada and know my derrida from my cixous from my foucault. Cant we all just get along-- and then get away for a couple of weeks in the summer to be with the grrls? I have no pro-con argument I think both have weight. If men can have the movie fight club then women can have the festival and any other related drumming activity they choose. Slanty Eyed Mama is certainly there to re-present the udnerrepresented and festivals are a big ass part of that. We particulary enjoyed the little blonde girls clamoring for Slanty Eyed Mama posters and hanging with comedy legend Elvira Kurt whose running commentary on the play by play was as amusing as her rehearsed material. As charo once said to me some people got it, and she got it! Jane Siberry's decision to wear a bizarre half corset withe um, nothing else, was very very entertaining, especially when she tried to get the bandmembers of BETTY to take their clothes off on stage too. The Ziffs werent havin it but it was a delightful moment of naked calling to arms, and boobs. Why is the women's festival a lesbian festival? People look at me like I am totally RETARDED (please lay off the emails telling me that is politically incorrect I know, I know I am using the word as a double edged sword here ok? god)
anyways i get the "are you fucking kidding?" look and I still dont know the answer. Why dont other chicks want to go to the women, oops womyn's music festival. Do straight women just not want to hang out and camp and eat hemptofutahini and wear tye die and listen to music and go to a dildo workshop like everyone else? Have they been so colonized that they dont even want some safe space over the summer? I find that depressing and vehemently endorse the polypansexual gender bias of michigan. Gender politics are confusing. Jane Siberry is cool and I grew up listening to her gorgeous ambiguous humanity in Toronto. So here is a pic of us in michigan last summer signing autographs and one of me with Ms Siberry.
Dear Kate!
I was mumbling on facebook this week about Jane Siberry's corset onstage at Michigan way back when, and having my memory questioned - and in ALL of the WORLD WIDE WEB, your post here was the only reference to and confirmation of her outfit i found when googling siberry+michigan+corset. So I wanted to thankya for that and for confirming my memory and what a great set that was too.
And i happened to get back to festival this last August and Fully enjoyed watching SlantyEyed Mama!! You were great!!!
hari in portland OR
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