Movie stars talking about weird sex things is more threatening than when normal people do it
Well a few months after the last post my mum died which was a whole brouhaha so I have fallen behind in kulturefukking. Also in that time a few of my friends have gotten all famous and shit and nowadays everybody sort of knows everybody and everything gets back to everybody and since I am not Kathy Griffin my commentary on absurd weirdos who dictate the parameters of taste and culture and status is more dangerous and more potentially backlashy to my own life as a performer and writer and oh who cares.
I went to this Garden Party at a movie stars rental house in Canada for a barbecue. Her and her boyfriend told us about all the loud crazy sex they were having and their naked vacations and called everyone "hot" even the obviously not so hot people, and dropped some poly sounding hints and bi swinger hints and I was really just there for the Mexican Corn and roast chicken in foil things from the grill. If it is your new random acquaintance telling you stuff about genitala you can sort of openly eyeball to your friends or shut it down with one GROSS. But when it is a major movie star --yeah i know you wanna know and if it weren't a girl i would tell you and that is all you are getting out of me because this applies to everyone.-- If it is a major movie star who has a lot of status and fans and shit A. you feel inferior because you are not a major movie star and maybe they are doing something right and you are doing something wrong and perhaps their weird sex weirdness is part of their success so why don't you accept that they are cooler than you and B. math happens like how bad do I want to be invited to places where major movie stars serve lemonade in their garden and smoke in barefeet. Does that make me better than other people to have the access?
All very disturbing because this mental negotiation would never ever take place if some random was telling you gross sex things out of context while serving cottage cheese in lettuce cups. The whole celebrity thing is just dirty dirty dirty. It's how people get caught with their pants down literally.
PARTY CRASH TIP #710: If you are the plus one to a private dinner soiree in a garden held by major movie stars you are consenting to potentially shithead politics, weird sex stories and long winded vacation stories also possibly including weird sex which you must smile at and act inferior to or you will break the hierarchy and the world will end.